When I eventually left school on Saturday I met up with Kat in Nagano to catch our train to Kurohime to meet Alex and Todd at Lake Nojiri. We had bought a brand new tent for Fuji Rock (not until July) and thought it was the perfect opportunity to test it out! Being the expert camper that I am, I bought a couple of sleeping bags and presumed we were all kitted out for a good night's sleep under the stars. Turns out Lake Nojiri is 300 metres higher than Nagano and therefore the temperature dropped quite significantly once the sun went down, which just so happened to be when we arrived to put up our tent...
Ta daaaa - done in 6 minutes 20 seconds! (with NO help from the boys!)

Todd - we compared frog sightings!
standard Japan BBQ food - "meat" on a stick

Kat already in her sleeping bag!
After quite literally CHILLING out all evening by the water's edge, Kat and I huddled up in our sleeping bags with what felt like no sleep at all until about 5am when the crows started competeting with the frog noise!

7am view from inside my tent

"is the sun up yet?"
We spent a lovely morning at our campsite where the owner brought us deck chairs and fresh coffee, and then we headed off in search of the others at the wakeboardng side of the lake. I am ashamed to say I did not partake in any watersports this time but was incredibly successful in relaxing on the side of the lake and doing absolutely nothing... bliss!

Kyla and Alan

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