Beyond bored!

金曜日, 二日, 三月 (yes... I am THAT bored I even managed to work out the date in Japanese!)

This week has been very slow in terms of lessons in fact, I haven't had any! I attended the 2 hour graduation ceremony this morning, during which the whole school bowed at each other more than 130 times! It was freezing cold in the hall and so I joined in with this ritual bowing just to keep warm. The next four weeks will be even quieter as all of the 3rd years have now graduated and the new 1st years don't start until April. I think I have all of 2 lessons to plan and teach between now and then! Anyway, here are some pictures from graduation. I had to pose for numerous pictures with the 3rd years whilst they snapped away on their disposable cameras (eh, hello? This is Japan! Buy a digital!!) and of course, some cheeky first years (who still insist on speaking in Japanese when they see me!)

1st year boys - the bain of my existence at Minami Ko!

Some 3rd year leavers and my supervisor Machiko

Masaoko and Kekko

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