Powder inna day, louder inna night!
I have just come back from my second Japan snowbaridng trip to Hakuba. This time I joined the GAA (Gaelic football group - see August's wakeboarding trip entry!) at the ingeniously named Lady Dianna Hotel. Kat, James and Kyla travelled up on the Friday night and Bel, Nic, Kiren and I joined them early on Saturday morning. Our package included lift pass, rentals, accommodation and meals - all coming in at just under 100 pounds for the weekend. I was booked in for a lesson with Ryan again on the Saturday to try and master turning (!) and then on Sunday Kyla and I were up bright and early to play on the mountain all day. I had so much fun and despite a few tumbles I'm keen to go back next weekend. Kyla and I even made it over to the ski park to watch James and his new friends (in the form of some Irish engineers) attempt some jumps on their boards. We got comfy at the bottom of the jumps (which involved me having to edge down a reasonably steep hill... "Gambatte legs" or "do your best legs"!!!) and watched in awe as all the experts threw themselves off the jumps. Hopefully I will get some pictures off of the others who were not scared to keep their cameras in their pockets!
Kat and me getting ready for some knarley-ness!
Nic gettings tips from our instructor Ryan
Katrina Sensei
In between some snowboarding, we also went to a live reggae night in a local club/tavern which was amazing. The bands were brilliant and the place was packed. We had been geared up to a bit of a disappointment since all day Saturday on the mountain we had been subjected to a Japanese DJ freestylin' over the tannoy... "red tail wine, tastes so fine", "if your not new to this, you're true to this" etc etc in a REALLY bad Caribbean style accent. But luckily, at the club it was just non stop reggae beats and the whole place came alive with people dancing!
Pre-club party in the hotel (and Belinda's head!)
Me, Kyla and Kat
Bel and Kiren
Kat - mid dance!
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