Had a stinking cold today so cancelled my class with Makoto (rather than sporting those rather fetching bird flu masks that everyone seems to wear when they are sick). Shortly after 6pm Makoto rang my doorbell and handed me an ‘aid’ package – oranges, bananas, energy water and two ice cream cakes. Isn’t he kind?! My cold quickly passed after 3 days of taking Japanese medicine which unfortunately made me fall asleep at my desk on several occasions!
Wednesday 4th October
To cheer me up after David’s departure, my office organised an Enkai for me at Sabo. So, the four English teachers – Ohya Sensei, Matsushima Sensei, Koide Sensei and Yomoto Sensei – and I all met at 6pm for dinner and some drinks. Although a lot of the conversation was in Japanese, I still enjoyed the food (obviously) and a few beers. The teachers were amazed that I had two beers in a row as usually they start with one beer and then move onto sake. I was amazed that they could still stand after 3 glasses of sake so I guess it depends on what you are used to!

After a tapas style meal, the waiter brought through what looked like a huge pie in the shape of a fish. It had eyes and fins pasted on in pastry and on the top was written “Congratulations” (in Japanese) and “Welcome to Iiyama Madeleine” (in English). Inside the pie was a whole fish (complete with eyes, teeth and probably the last expression it had on its face before being baked!) and was absolutely delicious!

Friday 6th October
Had dinner tonight in Nagano with the girls – Kyla, Kat, Belinda and Ikuko. We went to sandalwood again (where David and I had dinner on my birthday) and enjoyed a lovely meal and wine.

Kat and I stayed at Kylas but I had to make my way back to Iiyama in the morning to help with an Australian Homestay. I had very little involvement with the organisation of this event (20 students plus teachers from Australia staying with Japanese students for the weekend) so was only really there to be genki and smile lots! We had another public holiday on the Monday (Sports and Health Day) so spent the rest of the weekend stocking up on winter blankets and cleaning my apartment. Very rock and roll! Don’t get paid until Monday so was laying low this weekend and catching up on some sleep. I did go out for a cycle to try and kick start some form of exercise other than that huge hill I have to climb to get to school (oh and can I just add that not only do I have to walk up it with my bike every morning, I walk up it in heels).
Wednesday 11th October
I've been struggling lately to find myself a Japanese tutor (I know, how can that be I hear you ask!), so I decided to approach our Nagano PA Justin to see if he could help. Turns out that not many Japanese people are qualified to be able to teach Japanese and will only really offer their services as a conversation partner. So, I need to learn the conversation first!
Justin offered to give me lessons as he is very advanced and can also help me with tips on how to learn all the hirigana, katakana and kanji. Last night we met for the first time to dicuss timetables and feasibility of lessons and it looks like we will meet in Starbucks every Wednesday evening in place of Club K. Bonus! I get a Starbucks EVERY Wednesday... yay! So soon I'll be able to dazzle you with some Japanese!
I can see who got the best plaice at the table.....there's something fishy about that cake......it looks huge, probably be off the scale if you measured it etc etc hehehe I'm sorry couldn't resist. The fish dish looks yummy - might need to get one of those when i come over at xmas looks a bit big for two people though!!
^ DXXXXXxxxxx
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