Cleaning Time!

Every day, just after lunch time the students spend 15 minutes cleaning the school. The bell rings and each group of students go to their assigned rooms to 'clean' it.

My office is cleaned by a group of 1st year boys, with one boy assigned to getting rid of all the stink bugs in the room. His technique has become quite successful over the last few weeks and I feel the need to tell you about it (because if I have to witness it, then you have to read about it). He wraps a short strip of duct tape around his hand with the sticky side up and then whilst Koide Sensei counts out where each bug is, this boy proceeds to tap them with his tape covered hand until he has collected them all. The result - a handful of stink bugs (literally) and a bug free room. He then stands on the balcony and shakes his hand until they all fall off the tape and fly away...

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