Hello everyone!

Well, I finally made it here to Tokyo and boy is it hot, humid, busy, sticky, crazy, different and absolutley overwhelming!!! The 11 hour flight was fine - I was so tired that I just dozed really and tried to get in as much Hello, OK! and Heat as I could before leaving it all behind. Each seat had its own personal TV for films, games, birds eye view/pilots view footage which was cool but mine and a few others broke after the first 20mins so didn't get to use it at all! We had personal apologies from the on flight supervisor who came round and bowed loads and said "Sumimasen" a lot (sorry/excuse me!) and then handed me a form to fill in and claim vouchers to be used on any JAL flight back tothe UK or duty free. Not bad eh?!

So what else... Hotel is lovely, very posh and has like a gazillion floors! Had lunch & breakfast on the 43rd floor with 360 degree views around Tokyo. So cool! But I was distracted at breakfast when they served up french fries and steamed veg... bless, the Japanese try so hard to please! View from my hotel room looks like a typical New York style junction - lots of traffic and bright lights!

Oh and the toliets, how could I forget!! First thing... heated toliet seats! In 30+ degrees and 100% humidity they're not as good as they sound. Secondly, as soon as you sit down it (being the toliet) plays a little tune or recording of water trikling so that no one in the next cubical can hear you do your business! Then, on the side there is a ledge with 3-6 buttons, pressure controls and temperature controls. the buttons have very funny pictures used to explain what they do. But it's much more fun attempting trial and error! You get air jets, water streams (at all angles!), sprays and even a cylce combining all three. The focus is on hygeine so i'm sure you don't need more explanation. Oh and when you stand up it flushes automatically!

I could go on and on about the toliets as they were the first real Japanese thing to have experienced but as it happens I'm late for my embassy meeting (which includes food so I better fly!)

More updates and hopefully pics to come soon



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