Keeping an eye on the city - 3rd September 2007Well, it has been exactly one month since I flew back from Japan and it feels like I never even left! The last 4 weeks have been a bit of a blur with job interviews, cathing up with friends, visiting the Edinburgh Festival, indulging in all the food I dreamt about whilst in Japan and then more recently making big decisions. I have accepted a job with Marine Harvest as a Sales Account Executive and will be working in Edinburgh from the 24th of September. I have also decided to move through to Glasgow with David and will join the 12,000 other people who make the daily commute to edinburgh each day. I'm really excited by the job prospects and haven't really thought too much about the 6.55am departure from Glasgow every morning!

I have puzzled over whether to keep my blog going now that I am home but apart from the fact I enjoy writing it, I thought my friends back in Japan might still need something to read during those quiet periods at school.
So, what have I been up to? Well, within 3 days of arriving back in Scotland David and I took in a Taiko Drumming performance at the Edinburgh festival which was fantastic! The drummers were all speaking in the broken English I had been used to hearing and for a very surreal moment it felt like I was still in Japan.
The next weekend was spent in Newcastle as dave was due to be working at a wedding in the city and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to catch up with Kat and James. We had a lovely lunch (with Hazelnut Martinis... yum!) and then headed down to the quayside for Pimms and chocolate fondue.

David and I also travelled up to Nairn in the west coast to catch up with friends for the Nairn Games. The weather was terrible with lashings of rain and the wind to go with it! But our spirits were not dampened (although our tent was) and we made a great weekend of it. We even then went camping the following day at Glen Lyon, one of our favourite camping spots near Kilin.
The following Saturday was spent at Murrayfield watching the Scotland vs South Africa rugby match with Mum, Dad and Dave. Following Scotland's VICTORY over Ireland, we had false hopes of at least one try against the springboks but unfortunately we were left disappointed by the final score of 3 - 27. Having said that, the atmosphere was incredible and the team put up a good fight!